- Get on the gybe that makes it easiest to surf waves.
- Get on the gybe where you are by the lee and pointing the most towards the mark.
- Keep clear air and sail fast angles, but don't sail more distance than you have too.
- Don't forget to do up-turns
- Look at your leech! Make your vang just right.
- Press to leward (with your feet) as often as you can.
- Keep pressure on the mainsheet.
- Look behind for breeze.
- Neutral helm - steer with weight - don't heel too much when you are going straight.
- Be aware - keep your head out of the boat!
- On a crowded line, get there early and let the hole develop.
- Look over your shoulder for potential hole stealers.
- Pay attention to the fleet dynamic, don't forget how it changes on a black flag.
- Keep your cool! Don't get flustered if other people yell at you or whine.
- Be confident and selfish.
- Start like Paige - Full speed on the line at the gun. Don't get too close to early.
- Protect your numbers.
More to come later, time to go sailing! Great breeze on the city front yesterday, hoping for the same today.
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